USS Oregon



Drove into Portland yesterday






Waterfront Park with friends. Here is the mast to the WW I battleship the USS Oregon in Waterfront park. Here's what it looked like in the day in 1898 (hi-rez)

Here's another one. She was instrumental in winning the Spanish America war in the vicinity of Cuba. 







Here's a portion of the original Anchor chain...looks kind of small to me. City of Portland was gifted  this piece of chain by Yokohama, Japan which had bought the decommissioned ship in the 1950's and scrapped it.









Little memorial nearby to the Nurses of the Spanish American War.





The Broadway Bridge from water front park yesterday







Here's the Broadway Bridge from Back in the Day.... You can see the USS Oregon at the far right of the photo on the other side of the bridge.

That is the Paddle wheeler Portland in Front which is tied up today about right where its at here.






Photo I took of the paddle itself.... just  a little enhanced





One last photo of the Galley Crew of the USS Oregon ...


Wikipedia Article