Journey planning with Mekong.... 

thought I'd be sailing in the BVI... but a critical knee injury stops me from working a pitching and rolling deck... reconfigure holiday plans.






Rented a 400 mm lens from it out here on Mt. Hood from the yard.








Here's the 5 star suite in Amsterdam, WiFi...cheese...crackers...olives...and beverage...all helps with jetlag at 2:00 am















kickin it ...




















This Bulldog is in the Red Light District. Bulldogs are a franchise of Coffee shops around AMS serving coffee, weed, and hash. The Netherlands gained $600 million dollars in Marijuana tax revenue last year. Every time I go through photos I shoot I see paranoid people looking back...

















Crime Fighters






Introducing Narangerel Davashuran, A surveyor and GIS expert from Mongolia who lives in Den Helder, we met on the Old POB website.





Friggen Tourists















Another place for your coffee beans.






I don't remember much about these photos...


....Or this photo either.... but the one thing I do know is that this is the absolute worse photo I have ever taken in my entire life.





Here's how Rupert Murdoch's Paper The Sun visualizes a Hacker..





Out front Central station this morning







Train to Paris...





Tin Tin ... she runs at 186 mph





... this guy too ...








next stop United Arab Emirates ...