Red Light District














The Grasshopper

 Coffee and Hashish on the bottom floor, Beers on the second floor, and steak dinners on the third






The Coffee Shop





























Demonstration of proper French Wine Drinking Etiquette

(Mary's gonna kill me for this)








Somehow, someway, we got on the wrong train...unbelievable ... where the fuck is Groninger? ... are we in Holland or Denmark ?.... It's the horses ass ...








Right...Finally made it too Heerenveen ..  Thanks Vic!, Vic is our good mate we sailed across the Atlantic with ... this is her husband Mark... A Theoretical Physicist...reminds me of the old saying goes "...Scientists and in particular Physicists, try to make nature learn to work the way the scientists desire it to work" 

Flight launch scientist with the Ariane Rocket program... what some cool stories he has from the launch pads in French Guiana...







I learned more about Windmill operation in 1 hour from a Rocket Scientist then in my entire life ... 

This is a timber cutting mill... 





This Mill grinds flour, but requires more horsepower then the timber cutting mill because that one utilizes Gravity in its mechanism to cut lumber by dropping the blade... they also gain partial energy from the coriolis effect.

You have to be a licensed mill operator to actually run them even an owner cannot run the mill unless licensed.



Well back to Schipol ... Back to Oregon ...

A tired Delta Boeing 767... here's us passing Mt. Saint Helens and Adams in the back ground coming into Portland...looks all cozy and such but I swear he put that thing up on its wingtip in a steep angled dive through overcast over Portland proper... even the beer cart took off down the aisle with a life of its own... watch out business class, blunt force trauma coming through... Definitely made my palms sweat a little bit... and the turbulence is so friggen unnatural... Really bad near Greenland... Pilot kept increasing power...decreasing power...trying to find an altitude least affected. ...was picturing the wings ripping off the fuselage and us auguring in ....everybody is staring at each other to see if they have fear in their eyes so as to give license and confirmation to their own fear .... and if you gotta make an emergency landing what are you going to do?...crash land on an may as well be floating around in the big spot on the planet Jupiter. 600 mph wind, -80°F, and practically no oxygen only 6 inches from your friggen brain .... 



Just want to say thanks to all the people that crossed our path on this trip ... you made it ...


Some Pseudo Hi-Rez snapshots ....