In 1971 Apollo 14 blasted off to the Moon with astronauts Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, and Stuart Roosa. Stuart Roosa was the Command Module pilot and stayed in Lunar orbit while his buddies went down to hike around on the moon. Stuart, who was a former U.S. Forest Service smokejumper before joining NASA, was carrying a few hundred tree seeds in his pocket of five tree species. After returning to Earth the seeds were germinated and seedlings were planted in various locations like the White House... Universities ...famous sites. One was planted at the capitol building in Oregon. I drove down to Salem yesterday to try to locate the Moon tree. Found it and scooped some cones to germinate 2nd generation Douglas Fir moon trees for my yard.




Here's Stuart Roosa getting ready to strap a Saturn 5 to his back




The Oregon State Capital Building and the Apollo 14 moon tree








I found it in a restricted construction area so couldnt get too close, an affluent pipe running past it...




Saw this bell hanging out in the boneyard as well ...




Here's Mitchell, Roosa, and Shepard checking out their moon rocks




Resurvey of the Apollo 14 landing site in 2011... here is where the Lunar module descent stage (Antares) is parked and the location of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package with the footprint trails of the two astronauts.





Here is the Earth, Moon and distance between them to proper scale. Alongway to shoot a little canister of people.


NASA Moon Trees