RED MAPLE (Acer rubrum)
SILVER MAPLE (Acer saccharinum)
Other names: scarlet maple, soft maple, water maple, white maple, maple.


These are the soft maple group found throughout the Great Lakes region, central and eastern states. They are rapid growing and short lived, seldom reaching more than 100 years of age. 

There is little if any chance of finding a live original bearing tree. The original surveyors marked nearly mature trees which are now gone, The stump decays rapidly, but usually leaves a distinct stump hole. New trees frequently sprout from the old stumps. A clump of maples maybe a clue to the position of the original bearing tree. 

The bark of the young red and silver maples is smooth. If better trees just aren't available it is suggested, that young, smooth barked trees be selected and bark scribed. Use larger than normal letters and scribe deep enough to prevent disappearance of the scribing as the tree matures and bark roughens. Paint to prevent fungus infection.