Page 4
by dkm
We might be
warning...heavy motion picture content....go make a pot of coffee or something and come back in 10 minutes.
Fireweed in mid bloom
tells me about the White Guy who looks kinda like me that went to Tooliksak. He
ate 9 Stinkheads to impress the villagers but ended up having to be medivaced to
Here's a picture of some stink fish.....all bits n pieces tossed into a dug earthen pit and buried till it rots good n' ripe, Flies are complimentary, get your daily recommended allowance of gangrenous fish flesh . It's a very good compliment too tell your Eskimo host that their dinner was about the most rotten thing you have ever tasted.
They will be so thrilled that you thought their dinner was rotten ..that they will package up some "healthy" portions for you to take with you for later.
It's actually not that bad....if you chew on it without breathing. I would have preferred a dash of Grey Poupon and a couple gallons of milk to go with it though. It's not for everybody....but it would make a superb finger snack for the Superbowl party! catch up on the weblog here...I went to
Chuathbaluk....3 days...came back....3 days....trying to get to Mt. village now.
This picture here to the right right is on the Cessna Caravan flight from Aniak. Little boys
first flight and boy was he scared...howled like a lends his hand
for the entire flight...he never stopped the time we got to Bethel
we were all bawling to be let off.
Trip to Mountain Village
night before trip,
Were going in alpine style.....instead of 9 pieces of excess baggage, I've got 2....slimmed it down good with bare essentials for a combat seek, hit, and run mission. I have 4 hour and 40 minutes to recover 10 U.S. Survey monuments and get back to the airport to catch the plane. No quad....gotta leg it...luckily I can set the base station up at the airport and hit the road running.
Weather very, very bad outside at the moment. Wind and Rain....not that little breeze and shower stuff either....this is force gales and a horizontal onslaught of heavy driving just keeps pounding you into the mud....never letting up, just soaking you...tearing you down till you have nothing...nothing left to stagger forward and fall on your knees and with your last energy and breath of desperation you face up into the storms rage and you Yell ....." I Am NOT AN ANIMAL!....I Am A HUMAN!" before falling face forward into a muddy rivulet crawling with jiggers looking for a place to lay their eggs.
I dont know if the Mountain Village weather is going to be any better or not.
~morning of trip~
I rise this morning and search for the
All I see is rain, makes me do a number one
Psyche Up.....You gotta catch that
plane at 4:40 and you got a lot of ground to cover...through that entangled perpetual rain forest, impenetrable vegetated jungle hell. You gotta run
like nobody...and you only got 4 hours and forty minutes....the clock will be
ticking....tick.... tock, ........the door will
be'll be'll be stuck spend the
night in the company ....of an Engineer......and no beer.
Psyche Up ....You have to be the human Flash daryl...say it daryl....I am the Flash....I am the Flash....I am the Flash...I am the Flash........
Get this stuff outa my head....
......this is the stuff that runs through my mind when i'm in that gray area between consciousness and sleep.
that odor reminded me of that time in Marsielle.
is it normal for a coexistence of massive populations...rodents...spiders, ants, mosquitos, humans, plankton, jellyfish...barnacles?
mosquitos beat there wings 500-600 times per that 450-600 hz?
all studies point to a maximum of 9 to 14 billion humans by 2050, declining slowly by the end of this century.
"Nobody seems to know who's taken care of
overheard manager at Hagelands ticket counter
Hoof Hearted
He's the guy with a whole bunch of gear
deet hair treatment, also known as the deet treat.
Pdop...20° sky masking...Pdop..
Mountain Village and the Yukon River
2 Days Later....
....I finally got to Mountain Village. Got a room in an ATCO that reminds me of a Gas Chamber when you close the door,... so I open a window. Ran into Sam Rivers...Eskimo Guy I hired back two years ago when we were in Kotlik. He rented me his Quad Runner on the I got mobility...lets go survey the land...Tires flat!...that must be why a handpump is bunji'd to hte rear rack....Okay, Lets Go!....starter dont work...oh's got one of those bastards of a pull starters....Yeah...there we go ...were moving now the base...right up to the brakes!
Bugga...My Base receiver is recording data at one second intervals...instead of 10 seconds. That means I gotta run like a MoFo to locate these ten corners before the memory gets all filled up. It's either that or take everything to the room, setup laptop and reset receivers record interval. It's 3:16 pm, there's a scheduled flight back to Bethel in 3 hours...there's about three hours worth of memory ticking away. daryl, who in earthopolis cares about this bullshit?, So off I go running here, running there, running everywhere...Tundra, Alder Thickets, bushes far and near, Bog, Muskeg, Wetlands, Swamp, Marsh, A balanced biosphere, emmitting sounds upon my ear. My presence upsets the equilibrium, it's bound to interfere, I could up and die here, no one could find me...I would just disappear and become part of the biosphere. , Typety Typety Typety....
I Cannot think of anymore
Marlon Brando,
Apocalypse Now
The Movies: Put your cursor over the picture to start the film...if you got more than one going then just hit the Stop button in your browser. These little files take a little time to go get some cheetos.
Bushwacking..... |
I work till midnight to get the job done so as to fly out in am, only to find the airline companies are not working on 4th I find myself stuck again...on this side of the clothes or food , but I'm thankful for the store.....whats that?'s closed till next week? |
The Kuskokwim Hovercraft, carries up to 40 passengers between villages up and down the river. This movie has not been speeded up. In fact it's in Slo Mo...I had to slow it down because it went by too fast and was just a blur. |
experiencing technical difficulty |
July Fourth...And I'm trapped in Mountain
Village...No planes flying. I am sharing the City's Atco with Chuck the
Engineer of all people....He's a regular plank. I may as well be sharing it with
a dorkmunder
The movie? don't have nothing to do with anything. |
Was trying to be scary....not idiotic....really. It's the Fog....effects the mind...makes one foggy minded. Yep...this scary skit was a bust because after 5 takes i still couldn't keep a straight face. You think it's easy talking to a camera lens? |
Please Sir....Can I have some more. I hope to get out of Mountain before my mental state becomes unstable and my porridge rations dry up. It's the 2 year old variety....also known as Don's Quick Set Cement. Almost palatable when mixed with 2 year old pancake syrup. |
got to go hunker in the bushes
Driving from the airport.....driving...driving...dum dee dum......up and down the heaves ....around potholes....left turn onto gravel road...
......Be good to get back to the cave and have an ice cold water....
driving...driving....right turn on gravel road.......
........Oh....three girls walking.....hey, look...their checking me out, assume 007 Pierce Brosnan posture ........Buuzzzzzzzz....... What the hell was that?...what the?....a friggen wasp! did that get in here?..ow..get away...GET AWAY!...OW!...dammit...get out..shit....Ow...AHHhhOOOWW!! PAAiiin..ahah aha hah ah ahah aaaahhh....ah Waaaaa AHHH....
Wildlife snap of the day.
Flower before my boot pollinated it.